About Us
Our Vision
Innovation in Millions of Lives

Swiss CxO Forum (SCF) is swiss non-profit community platform for CxO’s supporting and sharing knowhow with small & medium business enterprises to enable and accelerate their transformation process, following the prinicples of the UN’s sustainable development goals. CxO’s donate hours to guide and Mentor the ecosystem of Industry, Research, Academia, Startup’s for uplifting the performance and generate short, medium and long-term Sustainability values for the society.
Our Mission
Fostering Innovation in million lives through Upskilling and supporting goals of UN Sustainability

Collaboration Model

We support initiatives by:


Fact Sheet - Biotech cluster in Switzerland
Switzerland is one of the best and most innovative locations for biotechnology in Europe. Local companies hold leading positions…

Fact Sheet - Blockchain Hub Switzerland
Its rich heritage of financial security, strong privacy laws and a pragmatic regulatory approach have…

Fact Sheet - Fintech Switzerland
Switzerland enjoys an international reputation as a trustworthy, reliable, and innovative financial center.

Fact Sheet - Swiss Innovation
Switzerland’s prosperity stems from its propensity for innovation. Swiss global corporations, as well as numerous…